Tuesday, 7 May 2019


Assessment and Feedback TWO: Programme Level Assessment (no over-assessing and Assessment Schedules)

Too often, Students and lecturers do not have an overview of the assessment of the Study Programme. Students tend not to grasp their assessment workload. They aren’t always sure how many assessment tasks they have at any one time. They aren’t confident about the assignments they have submitted and can be confused about when they get results and/or feedback or both.

Lecturers don’t always see the assessment load that students have. Having a programme assessment strategy enables students and lecturers to have an understanding of the student assessment experience.

from 'NF - HoD perspective on Programme Level Assessment.pdf' (Dr. Marion Palmer 2013) – see hyperlink below

Here are some questions to ask:

• How many assignments do your students have over the year?
• How long is needed between submission of student work and the issue of provisional results and feedback?
• What assessment methods assess the programme and module learning outcomes?
• What assessment methods do students experience over the whole programme?
• Over the course of a full programme, do students have enough/too many essays/projects/tests?
How many essays (or other assessment methods) do students do in Year 1 (2, 3, as appropriate)?
• Is there over-assessment or under-assessment? Are all the assignments/tests/projects/exams needed?
• How do the assessment methods link within and across modules?
• How does the assessment planned for a module meet the module learning outcomes?
What does it contribute to the assessment of the programme learning outcomes?
• Where do students develop the academic referencing and writing skills needed for the programme?
How are these assessed?
• How do assessments fit with the student effort hours per module? Have students time to read,
to practice skills or to just think?
• Do students have time to prepare for exams?

'NF - HoD perspective on Programme Level Assessment.pdf'

(Dr. Marion Palmer 2013)

This is an excellent 2 page document asking some very useful questions about a Study Programme's coordination of Assessment and Feedback

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