Sunday 24 February 2013

Bob Godfrey

Bob Godfrey dead at 91… In IADT, we were privileged to have had Bob as our DL041 Animation External Examiner for three or four years. He was a generous, perceptive, knowledgeable man, with a huge interest in our students. He was also a great great laugh! We spent many an evening in his hotel bar, listening to his stories of war, advertising and animation (probably in that order). Thelma posted this image of Tweedy, Bob, Thelma und ich on Facebook. I can’t remember what year it was taken. 2003? Me mind’s a blur…

As the Guardian obituary below says about Bob...

'His unfulfilled ambition was to make a feature film – it nearly came true with a project called Jumbo – but he was at least partly satisfied with Great, a half-hour cartoon on the Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel, voiced by Briers'.

Strangely enough, Richard Briers also died last week...

Bob! A great man! Condolences to Beryl, Claire, Tessa and Bob's grandkids. We will all miss Bob.

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